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AGIFORS - RM Conference - 7-10 may 2008 - Tahiti, French Pol

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Inscrit le: 29 Jan 2007
Messages: 2
Localisation: French Polynesia

MessagePosté le: Dim 10 Fév, 2008    Sujet du message: AGIFORS - RM Conference - 7-10 may 2008 - Tahiti, French Pol Répondre en citant

bonjour à tous,

je me permets de vous transmettre l'appel à communication concernant l'AGIFORS RM, que je co-organise à Tahiti.

Salutations. Jean Michel Chapuis

AGIFORS -Revenue Management Conference

May 7-10, 2008

We would like to invite you to the 2008 AGIFORS Revenue Management Conference, which will include topics from both passenger and cargo revenue management. This year's meeting, hosted by Air Tahiti Nui and University of French Polynesia, will be held at the Tahiti, French Polynesia (PPT) at the InterContinental Tahiti Resort. Our host, Air Tahiti Nui, has generously agreed to provide confirmed airline tickets to eligible airline employees and academic delegates and great discount to vendor delegates. The InterContinental Tahiti Resort has provided the group a special rate of 18520 cfp (~155 Euros), which is available three days before and after the conference.

The Revenue Management Study Group offers the latest in innovation on airline operations research as it applies to revenue management. All topics in the area of reservations and revenue management systems activities are covered by this Study Group of AGIFORS. These include revenue optimization, overbooking management, demand forecasting, distribution channel issues and some marketing issues. Recent topics of presentations include revenue integrity, revenue management without restrictions, O&D forecasting and control, migration from leg based to O&D based systems, O&D abuse, forecast unconstraining and cargo revenue management. Representatives from airlines, air transport associations, universities, industrial research labs, vendors and consultants will discuss new ideas and present technical papers. Come and share with us your ideas, thoughts, current trends, philosophies, and latest technological advances on any of the above or related topics.
The conference welcomes all qualified papers on revenue management concepts and methodology. There will be several awards for best presentations/papers. If you are interested in presenting at the study group meeting, please submit your abstract to .

Details of the conference and registration will be available by March 1, 2008. The registration fee for the conference is USD 450 for airline employees and academic delegates and USD 650 for other delegates. The conference registration will include the welcome reception on May 7 and all conference materials, refreshments, breakfasts and lunches on May 7 to 9 and the conference dinners on May 8 and May 9. There will be a full day networking event on May 10 as well.

If you are interested in becoming a conference sponsor, please contact for information.

Best regards from the conference organizers,

Gina Morello, Sunny Ja and Mukundh Parthasarathy
Revenue Management and Cargo Study Group Co-chairpersons
Jean Michel Chapuis
Revenue Management Assitant Professor
University of French Polynesia
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